80 Raffles Place, UOB Plaza 1, #36-01 Level 36, 048624
MVAsia Infomatrix Pte Ltd

Flex-Eye - multispectral area scan cameras

JAI is proud to introduce Flex-Eye – a new and innovative camera concept giving vision system designers the ability to customize the widths and location of wavebands in JAI's Fusion Series 2-CMOS and 3-CMOS prism-based multispectral cameras.

By combining the Flex-Eye customization process with our existing Fusion Series prism-based cameras, customers can now design a multispectral camera that looks at spe­cific visible and near infrared waveband ranges to meet the exact requirements of their vision applications.


This new approach will make vision inspection tasks or other multispectral imaging applications even more efficient and productive because a 2-CMOS or 3-CMOS camera fine-tuned to look at targeted wavebands (designed for a particular application) can reveal new and additional imaging information that other­wise can be hidden

Flex-Eye target customers:

Fusion Series Flex-Eye cameras will appeal to customers in several different application markets where multispectral imaging is being used today, but where new waveband combinations can lead to new or improved capabilities. A few of the most common application segments are:

  • Fluorescence-guided surgery, pathology, or other life sciences applications.
  • Food and vegetable sorting/inspection.
  • Agriculture and vegetation analysis or weed removal systems.
  • Package inspection, especially printed plastic packages.
  • Multi-layer electronic circuit board inspection.
Online camera configurator - the Fusion Flex-Eye sales process:

As a customizable product, the sales process is a bit different than for a standard Fusion Series model or other JAI cameras. A customer-specific Fusion Series Flex-Eye camera must first be defined and submitted to JAI to make sure that it can be built.
To make it easy to define and visualize the custom waveband cuts needed, JAI has developed an online Flex-Eye configurator.

A few clicks or taps specifies the number of sensors, the resolution, and whether Bayer or monochrome sensors are to be used in the visible spectrum.
An intuitive GUI lets users place, stretch, or shrink their wavebands on a simple spectral chart with built-in validation rules helping to guide the user to a working configuration.

Jai Flex-Eye - multispectral area scan cameras Dealer India

Learn more about the new Fusion Flex-Eye multispectral cameras:

Please read the attached Product Launch Letter and Flex-Eye concept flyer to get full information about the new on-line Flex-Eye camera configurator, specifications, appli­cations, the sales process and the key benefits delivered by JAIs new Fusion Flex-Eye customization concept


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